Sunday, March 27, 2011

Decision and Paper Clips

What if every decision you had to make you also had a paper clip. We would all have millions of paper clips.

Lately I have been put in front of dozens of decisions about not only everyday life but also school and just everything. Decisions are something that each and every one of us are faced with everyday. There is just no running from them. Decisions about what classes to take or what should we do this weekend. They are always there. While I was sitting here at my desk thinking about all the different decisions I have to make I got out my camera and took a picture of my colorful paper clips. Check it out.

Now, I edited it and put on there a quote I thought of. Life's like a bunch of paper clips. These represent all my decisions I have to make in my life. 

We all need to take our decisions to God in prayer and scripture. Sometimes decisions can cause anxiety on us. A couple of bible verses are..

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

"For I know the plans I have for you; declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

There are several more verses we can go to but these are just a few. I hope and pray that your decision making goes well for you. 

Hope you have had a great day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


How do you pray?

There are so many ways one can pray. Last night I was at bible study with some friends and we started off with prayer. But, it is a silent and your own personal prayer.

Do this with me, ready grab a piece of paper and pen and write to God like you are talking to your best friend and telling them what has been going on in your life. Nobody else is going to read your prayer so get up close and personal with God. Tell Him everything. Then once you are done with your prayer draw a line under it, or if you ran out of room get a new piece of paper. Now, think of you best friend and after you have told them everything what would they say back to you? God is your best friend, let Him right you back through you. Let Him guide your hand in what He wants to tell you.

I did this last night and it was really amazing what He had to say to me.

Go pray anywhere. I took this picture the other day and just loved it. It is so peaceful and a great thing to look at while praying. It really shows how amazing God is.

So peaceful to take a minute and pray to God!

Do this occasionally to see what kind of response comes through you from Him.

Hope you have a blessed day!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So, I found out the other day from my mom that my Grandpa Howell reads my blog! People may think that is weird but, I personally love it!

Grandpa Howell is one of the best grandpa's any kid can I ask for! Every time I see him I always get the biggest hugs ever! Since I don't get to see him often I cherish every moment of my time seeing and spending time with him!

He is the funniest guy! We will play a card game (usually Phase 10) and he usually doesn't last through the entire game! ha. Because he gets so mad because he isn't winning! haha. It always cracks me up!

Grandpa is an Elder in the Church of Christ and I look up to him. I don't say that enough. I honestly feel like a lot of us don't tell people how much they mean to us enough. He is an amazing Christian man and I hope to marry a man that reminds me of his Christian self. Also, I hope that my little brother grows up to be just like him! He already has some of those Howell genes. ha.

People call my grandpa Howell, Handsome Howell. I don't think I need to explain that statement. ha. He is a funny guy. ha.

While I have two grandfathers still with me they are both the best! Grandpa Hines is awesome as well! Can't leave him out! haha.

Well, Grandpa Howell, I hope you have enjoyed this! I love you tons and miss you bunches! See you soon!

Have a great day!
Raeann :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring Sing!

Wow! It has been way to long! I am sorry! Life has been so crazy! I was recently part of this big production called Spring Sing here at school. It literally takes over your life! Anyways, Spring Sing is something that OC does every year, and this year the theme was ReRun! It consisted of many different clubs and hosts performing to old television shows.

This year I was privileged to be in the club Pi Zeta Phi! Our theme was a special over Cleopatra on the History channel. Our show was AMAZING! Our directors, Rachel and Audrey, did an awesome job at putting our show together. I mean seriously, us Pi girls are crazy and Rachel and Audrey were patient with us and our show ended up being the best in Pi history!

Our costumes we sweet! We had wigs and totally looked like Cleopatra!

We didn't care what we placed as long as we won something! ha. We ended up getting the Best Costume Award and 4th Place! That comes with a trophy! This is a first for Pi! We have been a club since 2004 and have never won anything in Spring Sing! But, this year we came out and rocked it! We were amazing! I couldn't have asked for a better bunch of sisters than what I have been blessed with in Pi! I love them all!

Pi Zeta Phi! Whoop, Whoop!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Raeann :)